The rich, even quality of the color result, shine and softness of my hair, and minimal hair breakage make Schwarzkopf's Keratin Color the box for me! Plus, the clear directions and included gloves make it easy to use PLUS it comes with a pre-treatment cream that starts the whole process off right.
I've juuuust begun my first full-time dram job, and I'm now in an environment where less is more in the makeup department. Basically, for me, this means I want to va-va-voom it up in my hair game to feel my most confident! Instead of going super light this time, I'm adding warmer tones to my hair using shade 8.0 Silky Blonde for my favorite fall look.

Obviously, before attempting to alter your hair color, the first step is to remove the gloves from the directions and read them carefully! For Schwarzkopf Keratin Color, the next step is to put on your gloves and apply the pre-treatment cream. Then I mixed the bottles labelled 2a and 2b together to create my dye (heads up that it's totally normal for it to change colors!). Next for me, because I was dyeing my whole head, I sectioned my hair and applied small amounts of the mixture to my locks, massaging along the way until my whole head was complete! then the waiting set in... after which I used the post-treatment conditioning cream on towel-dried hair and ooh-ed and ahh-ed over my gorgeous color as it was revealed with the drying of my hair!
1. Planning out the week/the night before hand!
My planner gets the weekly and monthly big picture plans, in multiple colors and pens! Meanwhile my wardrobe and lunch plans are made the night before, letting me relax and not worry about my day. Less worry = less tress = more likely to have things go smoothly!

2. Making the most of my lunch break!
Related to #1, this obviously includes some delicious food (packed the night before!). For me, getting out of my work zone with a good book, a podcast, or even just space for my thoughts as I sit in the sun or go for a walk! I find that a little self-care goes a long way towards helping me live my best life.
3. Working my workout into my schedule!
I feel so incredibly happy and lucky to be able to bike to and from work on my adorable little folding bike! It definitely wakes me up and keeps me energized throughout the day.
4. Catching up with some gal pals!
My favorite people are making their ways back to Boston and I could NOT be more excited to meet them for drinks and catching up after work! Plus, my minimal makeup can be built up to match the gorgeousness of my hair- if I bring my eyeliner and a bold lipstick to work, I can wing it out and apply my red pout for a night on the town!
5) Dressing for Success!
One of my favorite high school teachers would tell us "dress well, test well" as a way to ease nerves before big tests, SATs, and other aspects of a high-intensity school. No one's grading me anymore, but I try to apply this to my every day life. I definitely get a little mood boost when wearing something I love- especially if it's a dress with pockets!
I completely and totally believe in the power of a good hair day and a power outfit to change your (and others!) perception of your abilities, something that can definitely change lives. Amazingly, Schwarzkopf is right there with me, serving as proud sponsors of Dress for Success®! Dress For Success Worldwide empowers women by providing them with the tools to achieve their economic independence! Every purchase of Keratin Color helps women get a fresh start through this partnership. Through education and mentoring, they’re making a difference in communities across the globe- over one million women have been served by this international organization and its programs! I picked mine up at Walmart and felt so happy knowing my purchase was going towards a cause I believe in!

I hope you're living your best and most successful fall! How do you Dress for Success?
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