I feel like this is a pretty all-inclusive question but... who here likes online shopping? Oh, hello, sea of raised hands! I completely and totally agree, online shopping is the easiest especially when you can do a one-stop-shop. I can do exactly that with Target.com! everything from the world's cutest printed pants (a girl at work bought a few pairs and I died over them when she styled them! I cannot wait for my next order :P) to something that I'm pumped about- the new Kashi® plant-based protein lines!

I've been bouncing between full vegetarian and pescatarian (the fish-allowing sibling of veggie!) since middle school, so protein has always been a biiiiig draw for me! These two protein powder lines- Organic and GOLEAN™- are perfect for on-the-go energy. They're ridiculously easy to mix with whatever you have on hand- even just with water or ice, my Matcha Tea Mantra Plant Powered Shake is absolutely delicious!
I've always loved matcha both for its subtly sweet, earthy taste and for the gorgeous green appearance- it definitely puts a smile on my face first thing in the morning! Kashi knows that being able to mix and match ingredients for the perfect smoothie is half the fun of making smoothies, so they keep their powders a natural sweet that can be heightened or downplayed through the addition of honey, almond/coconut milks... or pretty much whatever you'd like!
The Kashi GOLEAN line is vegan, organic, and gluten free! With a diverse array of nutritious benefits and 15-16g of protein, it pretty much fits exactly as easily and seamlessly into my life as I could possibly hope for. PLUS! With code TGTKASHI, you can get $10 off one Kashi Protein Powder ( from either line: GOLEAN or Kashi Organic!). The GOLEAN line has flavors like Vanilla Vinyasa, Matcha Tea Mantra, Original Inspiration, and Dark Cocoa Powder while Organic Breakfast superblends feature yums like Rise & Shine Vanilla, Sun-Up Coconut, and Cocoa Awakening. Basically, from the long-time favorites or exciting new "hmmm let me try that!" there's a flavor for everyone!
Not only are the flavors super varied, but the powder itself is remarkably versatile! Which is something I'm going to prove with not one but TWO absolutely delicious, quickly thrown together breakfast recipes!
Firstly, I'm a HUGE fan of smoothie bowls- I've gone around Boston on bikes with one of my best friends, searching for the city's finest and traveled to San Diego with her for spring break where we re-created the search!- so I was beyond excited to create a simple, at-home version of my favorite good-for-you treat!
Matcha Monster Bowl
8oz of water and ice
2 scoops of Matcha Tea Mantra Kashi GOLEAN protein powder
1) in a blender, grind together your ice, water, and scoops of powder until smooth.
2) add honey, blend, and repeat until you've reached your desired sweetness!
3) slice your fruit and other toppings! I only had strawberries on hand (I'd already eaten all of my other fruits with previous fruit bowls and completely forgot to photograph my delicious and colorful creations! They're that good- the need to gulp them down outweighs my naturally shutterbug nature.)
4) make your creation as colorful and loaded with goodness as possible! I cannot wait to try this bowl with coconut flakes, peaches, watermelon... pretty much anything!
5) don't make my mistake- take pictures of all of your colorful creations before you nom!
Matcha Mug Muffin
4 tablespoons of the flour of your choice
1 teaspoon Matcha Tea Mantra Kashi GOLEAN protein powder
1/4 teaspoon baking powder
3 tablespoons of the milk of your choice (I highly recommend coconut- It really brings out the matcha's natural sweetness!)
1/2 tablespoon olive oil (or melted coconut oil!)
1 tablespoon sugar (optional)
1) mix everything together in a coffee mug of your choice.
2) microwave for 1 minute.
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