It has been waaaaay too long since I've done the written post thing. I have a whole bunch lined up - recipes, beauty products, perfume, you name it! But, for the meantime, here's an outfit post from last summer:
Since taking these pictures, I've joined poshmark to sell a whole bunch of my clothes- these two pieces included!
Oooh boy do I miss living with my best friends! Hopefully, I'll be back with my fav golden-hour-photographers soon- we're actually looking at apartments right now eep!
Gotta say I also miss these ratty old converse! They ended up with holes on both sides of my ankles, weird rainbow stains from Holi, and just general disrepair so they had to go. Farewell, dear shoes, you have served me well.
#tbt to this hair! Pretty sure this was riiiight after my mom had me get it intensely professionally bleached to get rid of the home dye job that Erin and I did? I'm pretty much one color from how much bleach they had to use (and how ridiculously pale I am, as per usual).

Kisses for all! I hope you're having an amazing summer thus far!
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