Through my sweat pink ambassadorship (link in the left doobledydoo), I got to take part in the Pure LYFT campaign for May 2014!
What is Pure LYFT, you ask? Only the coolest, newest way to jump start you day (or night! It even says that on the packaging, party animals... check it in a moment!) with all natural caffeine through their Energy Stir Stcks.
The green coffee bean extract, vitamins A and B complex are delivered through stirring this innovative stick into your beverage of choice! Luckily for us, Pure LYFT has 0 calories and acts as an awesome alternative to sugary sodas or your morning cuppa coffee.
Each sleeve comes with two sticks and each stick contains caffeine equivalent to a tall coffee!
To use, you simply peel the label off of the whole stick (while holding it above the glass, some of the powder is loose) and stir like a crazy person! 20 seconds of stir time is recommended, but I'd say leave it longer. Mine didn't fully dissolve the first tome, making my water taste just a smidge off. I don't know how to describe it any better than that, sorry.

But, this is what it still looked like after those 20 seconds. Reminiscent of a snow globe, no?
But, this is what it still looked like after those 20 seconds. Reminiscent of a snow globe, no?
This morning, I mixed my second Pure LYFT Energy Stir Stick into some cranberry juice before leaving t to dissolve. I didn't taste it at all! In addition to that awesome development, I also didn't need any additional caffeine... which is crazy coming from a girl who drinks as much coffee as humanly possible on a regular basis!
I was also able to do a light workout before breakfast without my stomach turning sour, something that coffee unfortunately can do. I even felt like I could push harder than "light!" The sticks are itty bitty, so I could easily see stashing one or two in a gym (or any) bag!
I think the Pure LYFT Energy Stir Sticks are awesome! I imagine they'd be perfect for the ridiculously hot summer mornings that are likely headed our way- you know the ones I'm talking about, when the mere idea of turning on the coffee machine or using the kitchen puts you off? When those come, it would be so nice to wake up with a chilled glass of your juice of choice, with all the caffeine you need stirred right in! These would also have been perfect for my opening shift this past semester- I could have slept in during the time it takes to brew my coffee! Man, that would've been nice (for me and everyone around me)!
Have you ever tried anything like these Energy Stir Sticks?
Those seem cool! I'll have to try them!
ReplyDeleteThey're awesome! Let me know when you try 'em! <3