smilingrid: why I love small venues: meeting Maria Earabino, Krista Angelluci, Skyler, and the Icarus Account!

October 13, 2013

why I love small venues: meeting Maria Earabino, Krista Angelluci, Skyler, and the Icarus Account!

This weekend, two of my roommates and I hoped on the t and rode it allll the way to Cambridge for a wonderful afternoon of live music (get caught up!). On its own, that is a solidly good day. But when the venue is itty bitty?  

Straight up wonderful.

You get to meet and tell the performers how amazing they were! 

Maria told me to tweet at her and when I did, favorited my back-and-forth with Mimi and followed both of us. She also gave Laura, Erin, and I stickers and said that she hopes to see us again some time. We're pretty much friends at this point, since I've seen her twice now...don't look at me like that, we'll get there!


Krista was super sweet and offered to sign Erin's CD! She also followed us all on twitter and joked around with us a bit while signing and taking our group picture.

Skyler is hilarious! He joked about taking selfies with people while on stage and then actually did! We took a group shot instead and ended up chatting for a good amount of time. There were hugs and promises of being best  friends forever. At least, he liked us enough to go grab stickers and a CD for us (which, as you can see, I was pretty excited about)!

...even though we're BFFLFRs, Skyler didn't follow us back on twitter 

He did photo bomb our picture with half of The Icarus Account though!

Ty was wonderful and snap chatted a friend of mine (who goes to school in California) with me! We also reminisced about a show of theirs that Blair and I had been to a few years back.

...also, he said I'm the best. I'm floating on air from all these good vibes.

Anyways, give the little venues a chance- they make for a really personalized experience!
